There are many publications that come out of the UBC Linguistics Department.

Individual members of the department publish in a wide range of venues, and most list their recent publications in the personal profiles.

Working Papers

The department itself publishes working papers, along with the proceedings of several regular conferences.


PNWLL Press (formerly Occasional Papers in Linguistics) is a student-run non-profit publisher that makes language documentation more accessible. They often co-publish with first nations community organizations to keep copyright within the speech community and support revitalization programming. All digital publications and audio files are available to download for free, and all print volumes are priced as low as possible.

ICSNL Archives

The Kinkade Collection: the On-Line Archive of Papers for the International Conference on Salish (and Neighbo(u)ring) Languages

Please note, the Kinkade Collection is undergoing transition, consult the archive page below for more information.

Welcome to the Kinkade Collection, the on-line archive of Papers for the International Conference on Salish (and Neighbo(u)ring) Languages, hosted by the UBC Department of Linguistics website.

Please note:

  • The articles in this archive are working papers, and copyright remains with the authors. Our thanks to them for allowing us to distribute these papers electronically.
  • In many cases, these papers have been later revised and published in peer-reviewed journals or books. Readers are suggested to make sure a more recent version of an article isn’t available before citing the ICSNL version in their work.

Theses & Dissertations

Discover an archive of successfully defended graduate theses starting in 1967.