Our graduate students are actively engaged in ground-breaking research as part of their programs.
Discover successfully defended theses and dissertations from our alumni.
2025 Alumni
Fuhrman, Robert (PhD)
Energy as reward : an ecological foundation for the structure of attentional fixation in computational agents during audiovisual speech communication
2024 Alumni
Adebara, Ifeoluwanimi (PhD)
Towards Afrocentric natural language processing
Lloy, Line (MA)
Humans with human voices: gender presentation in a gender diverse corpus
Shamei, Arian (PhD)
Speech postures are postures : towards a unified approach to postural control in gross and fine motor skills
Underhill, Rose (PhD)
Expressing multiplicity in Ktunaxa : groups, sentience, and the structure of number
Assis Navarro, Michel (PhD)
Quantization and quantification : countability and scope of bare nouns in Kaingang and beyond
Liu, Yadong (PhD)
Integrating posture control in speech models
2023 Alumni
Angsongna, Alexander (PhD)
Aspects of the morphophonology of Dagaare
Huijsmans, Marianne (PhD)
Second-position clitics, from morphosyntax to semantics : the ʔayʔaǰuθəm (Comox-Sliammon) perspective
Oliveira Salles, Raiane (PhD)
Functional categorization parameters : argumenthood with functional heads other than D in Carioca Brazilian Portuguese and Pirahã
Soo, Rachel (PhD)
Perception, recognition, and encoding of Cantonese sound change variants
2022 Alumni
Tkachman, Oksana (PhD)
Embodiment and emergent phonology in the visual-manual modality : factors enabling sublexical componentiality
Lo, Roger (Yu-Hsiang) (PhD)
Post-stop fundamental frequency perturbation in production and perception of Mandarin stop voicing
Anghelescu, Andrei (PhD)
Prosodic phonology in Nata
2021 Alumni
Guntly, Erin Alisa (PhD)
‘Yeah, I doubt it.’ ‘No, it’s true.’ How paradoxical responses impact the common ground
Akinbo, Samuel Kayode (PhD)
Vowel harmony and some related processes in Fungwa
Aonuki, Yurika (MA)
Relative pronominal tense: Evidence from Gitksan, Japanese, and English
Bosurgi, Alexandra (MA)
Reexamining gender stereotype effects in speech processing : a replication of Strand (2000)
Johnson, Khia Anne (PhD)
Crosslinguistic similarity and structured variation in Cantonese-English bilingual speech production
2020 Alumni
Osa Gómez del Campo, Adriana (PhD)
Epistemic (mis)alignment in discourse : what Spanish discourse markers reveal
Fry, Michael David (PhD)
Grammaticus ex machina: Tone inventories as hypothesized by machine
Keupdjio, Hermann Sidoine (PhD)
The syntax of A′-dependencies in Bamileke Medumba
Amoako, Wendy Kwakye (MA)
Assessing phonological development among Akan-speaking children
Weber, Natalie (PhD)
Syntax, prosody, and metrical structure in Blackfoot
2019 Alumni
Crippen, James A. (PhD)
The syntax in Tlingit verbs
Gambarage, Joash Johannes (PhD)
Belief-of-existence determiners: Evidence from the syntax and semantics of Nata augments
Heim, Johannes M. (PhD)
Commitment and engagement: The role of intonation in deriving speech acts
Keough, Megan (PhD)
The role of prior experience in the integration of aerotactile speech information
Ozburn, Avery (PhD)
A target-oriented approach to neutrality in vowel harmony
Yuan, Yifang (MA)
Response markers in Mandarin Chinese conversation: A corpus-based case study of shi, dui, xing, hao and the variants of shi
2018 Alumni
Black, Alexis K. (PhD)
How perception constrains statistical learning across development
Chen, Sihwei (PhD)
Finding semantic building blocks: Temporal and modal interpretation in Atayal
Lam, Wai Man (PhD)
Perception of lexical tones by homeland and heritage speakers of Cantonese
de Oliveira Andreotti, Bruno Luis (MA)
Interpreting derived stative predicates: Evidence from ʔayʔaǰuθəm
2017 Alumni
Burge, Heather (MA)
Prospective aspect in Tlingit
Mackie, James Scott (PhD)
Simulating the evolution of consonant inventories
McClay, Elise Kedersha (MA)
Focus in Ktunaxa: Word order and prosody
Stelle, Elizabeth Leigh (PhD)
Visual feedback during speech production
Thoma, Sonja Christine (PhD)
Discourse particles and the syntax of discourse: Evidence from Miesbach Bavarian
2016 Alumni
Allen, Blake H. (PhD)
Bayesian models of learning and generating inflectional morphology
Fund-Reznicek, Ella (MA)
Communication and coordination between singers performing duets
Glougie, Jennifer Robin Sarah (PhD)
The semantic and pragmatics of English evidential expressions: The expression of evidentiality in police interviews
Littell, Patrick William (PhD)
Focus, predication, and polarity in Kwak’wala
McMullin, Kevin James (PhD)
Tier-based locality in long-distance phonotactics: learnability and typology
Moewaki, Ayako (MA)
Quantifiers in Kwak’wala
Noguchi, Masaki (PhD)
Acquisition of allophony from speech input by adult learners
2015 Alumni
Abel, Jennifer Colleen (PhD)
The effect of task difficulty on speech convergence
Bicevskis, Katie (MA)
Visual-tactile integration and individual differences in speech perception
Božič, Jurij (MA)
Spell-out of phonological domains: the case of Slovenian
Chiu, Cheng-hao (PhD)
Startling auditory stimulus as a window into speech motor planning
Gutiérrez, Analía (PhD)
Segmental and prosodic complexity in Nivaĉle: laryngeals, laterals, and metathesis
Liu, Tianhan (MA)
Louie, Meagan (PhD)
The temporal semantics of actions and circumstance in Blackfoot
McAuliffe, Michael (PhD)
Attention and salience in lexically-guided perceptual learning
Toews, Carmela Irene Penner (PhD)
Topics in Siamou tense and aspect
2014 Alumni
D’Aquisto, Joseph Paul (MA)
Visual discrimination of French and English in inter-speech and speech-ready position
Dunham, Joel Robert William (PhD)
The online linguistic database : software for linguistic fieldwork
Fuhrman, Robert (MA)
Vocal effort and within-speaker coordination in speech production : effects on postural control
Sherer, Laura (MA)
Nominalization and voice in Kwak’wala
Vincent, Audra (MA)
2013 Alumni
Bliss, Heather (PhD)
Greene, Hannah (MA)
Lyon, John (PhD)
Predication and equation in Okanagan Salish: the syntax and semantics of determiner phrases
Menzies, Stacey (MA)
Nsyilxcen modality: semantic analysis of epistemic modality
Schellenberg, Murray Henry (PhD)
The realization of tone in singing in Cantonese and Mandarin
Yamane, Noriko (PhD)
‘Placeless’ consonants in Japanese: an ultrasound investigation
2012 Alumni
Scott, Mark (PhD)
Speech imagery as corollary discharge
Szakay, Anita (PhD)
The effect of dialect on bilingual lexical processing and representation
Thompson, James J. (PhD)
Syntactic nominalization in Halkomelem Salish
Waldie, Ryan James (PhD)
Evidentiality in Nuu-chah-nulth
2011 Alumni
Arkoh, Ruby Becky (MA)
Armoskaite, Solveiga (PhD)
The Destiny of Roots in Blackfoot and Lithuanian
Christodoulou, Christiana (PhD)
Cypriot Greek Down syndrome: their grammar and its interfaces
Derrick, Donald (PhD)
Kinematic patterning of flaps, taps and rhotics in English
Fujimori, Atsushi (PhD)
The correspondence between vowel quality and verbal telicity in Yamato-Japanese
Jacobs, Peter (PhD)
Jóhannsdóttir, Kristín M. (PhD)
Aspects of the progressive in English and Icelandic
Sterian, Laura Andreea (MA)
The syntax and semantics of gap and resumptive strategies in Iraqi Arabic D-linked content questions
2010 Alumni
Chávez-Peón, Mario (PhD)
The interaction of metrical structure, tone, and phonation types in Quiaviní Zapotec
Hudu, Fusheini (PhD)
Dagbani tongue-root harmony: a formal account with ultrasound investigation
Mudzingwa, Calisto (PhD)
Shona morphophonemics: repair strategies in Karanga and Zezuru
Peterson, Tyler (PhD)
Epistemic modality and evidentiality in Gitksan at the semantics-pragmatics interface
2009 Alumni
Caldecott, Marion (PhD)
Non-exhaustive parsing: phonetic and phonological evidence from St’át’imcets
Ferch, Elizabeth (MA)
Number and the scope of indefinites
2008 Alumni
Brown, Jason (PhD)
Theoretical aspects of Gitksan phonology
Cook, Clare (PhD)
The syntax and semantics of clause-typing in Plains Cree
Kiyota, Masaru (PhD)
Situation aspect and viewpoint aspect: from Salish to Japanese
Koch, Karsten (PhD)
Intonation and Focus in Nɬeʔkepmxcin (Thompson River Salish)
Mühlbauer, Jeffrey (PhD)
kâ-yôskâtahk ôma nêhiyawêwin: the representation of intentionality in Plains Cree
Steriopolo, Olga (PhD)
Form and function of expressive morphology: a case study of Russian
2007 Alumni
Barczak, Leszek (MA)
Towards an analysis of Yorùbá conditionals: its implications for the phrase structure
2006 Alumni
Ajíbóyè, Ọládiípọ̀ (PhD)
Topics on Yorùbá nominal expressions
Bar-el, Leora (PhD)
Aspectual distinctions in Sk̲wx̲wú7mesh
Gillon, Carrie (PhD)
The semantics of determiners domain restriction in Sk̲wx̲wú7mesh
Namdaran, Nahal (MA)
Retraction in St’át’imcets: an ultrasonic investigation
Picanço, Gessiane L. (PhD)
Mundurukú phonetics, phonology, synchrony, diachrony
Wilson, Ian (PhD)
Articulatory settings of French and English monolingual and bilingual speakers
2005 Alumni
Campbell, Fiona (MA)
The gestural organization of North American English /r/: a study of timing and magnitude
Oh, Sunyoung (PhD)
Articulatory characteristics of English /l/ in speech development
Perkins, Jeremy (MA)
The RTR harmonic domain in two dialects of Yorùbá
Quis, Dominique (MA)
The voice of a forgotten people: on the reconstructed etymology of the Beothuk (Shawthrut) self-designation sakanak ‘red indian people’
Ravinski, Christine (MA)
Grammatical possession in Nuu-chah-nulth
Ruangjaroon, Sugunya (PhD)
The syntax of WH-expressions as variables in Thai
Wojdak, Rachel (PhD)
The linearization of affixes: evidence from Nuu-chah-nulth
2004 Alumni
Jones, Susan (MA)
Progressive aspect and distributively quantified objects: a semantic/pragmatic account
McDowell, Ramona E. (MA)
Retraction in Montana Salish lateral consonants
Shank, Scott (PhD)
Shiobara, Kayono (PhD)
Linearization: a derivational approach to the syntax-prosody interface
2003 Alumni
Gessner, Suzanne (PhD)
The prosodic system of the Dakelh (Carrier) language
Gormley, Andrea (MA)
The production of consonant harmony in child speech
Kalmar, Michele (MA)
Patterns of reduplication in Kwak’wala
Kim, Eun-Sook (PhD)
Theoretical issues in Nuu-Chah-Nulth phonology and morphology
2002 Alumni
Baptiste, Maxine R. (MA)
Kim, Soomee (MA)
Aspirates in Korean: perspectives on coalescence, CK, and gemination
2001 Alumni
Blake, Susan J. (PhD)
Glougie, Jennifer (MA)
Topics in the syntax and semantics of Blackfoot quantifiers and nominals
Hirose, Tomio (PhD)
Origins of predicates evidence from Plains Cree
Howe, Darin M. (PhD)
Rosen, Eric (PhD)
2000 Alumni
Kaneko, Ikuyo (MA)
A metrical analysis of Blackfoot nominal accent in optimality theory
Strauss, Uri (MA)
Phrase structure and verb movement in Hebrew and English imperatives
1999 Alumni
Bob, Tanya (MA)
Laryngeal phenomena in Tahltan
Caldecott, Marion (MA)
A comparison of glottalized resonants in Sənčaθən and St’át’imcets
Gessner, Suzanne (MA)
Laryngeal processes in Chipewyan and other Athapaskan languages
Nakamura, Yumiko (MA)
The syntax of possessor raising
1998 Alumni
Bar-El, Leora (MA)
Verbal plurality and adverbial quantification a case study of Sk̲wx̲ú7mesh (Squamish Salish)
Horseherder, Nicole (MA)
Binding-theoretic analysis of Navajo possessor YI-
Lai, I-Ju Sandra (MA)
The grammar and acquisition of Secwepemctsín independent pronouns
Suzuki, Takeru (PhD)
A theory of lexical functors light heads in the lexicon and the syntax
Uechi, Akihiko (PhD)
An interface approach to topic/focus structure
1997 Alumni
Blain, Eleanor M. (PhD)
Wh-constructions in Nêhiyawêwin (Plains Cree)
Chang, Lisa (MA)
Wh-in-situ phenomena in French
Currie, Elizabeth J. (MA)
Topic time: the syntax and semantics of SqwXwu7mish temporal adverbials
Leitch, Myles F. (PhD)
Vowel harmonies of the Congo Basin: an optimality theory analysis of variation in the Bantu zone C
Li, J. Cora R. (MA)
Bei and the passive in Cantonese
Sanchez, Monica (PhD)
Syntactic features in agrammatic production
Shahin, Kimary (PhD)
Postvelar harmony an examination of its bases and crosslinguistic variation
Turkel, William J. (MA)
1996 Alumni
Jiang-King, Ping (PhD)
An optimality account of tone-vowel interaction in Northern Min
Matthewson, Lisa (PhD)
Determiner systems and quantificational strategies evidence from Salish
Rosen, Eric (MA)
The postposing construction in Japanese
1995 Alumni
Ọla, Ọlanikẹ (PhD)
Optimality in Benue-Congo prosodic phonology and morphology
Qu, Yanfeng (PhD)
Object noun phrase dislocation in Mandarin Chinese
Thompson, William (MA)
Paradigms and the acquisition of agreement morphology in German
Valerga, Vanessa N. (MA)
Phonological representation of Spanish vibrants
1994 Alumni
Choi, Sohee (MA)
Korean vowel harmony: an optimality account
Howett, Catherine (MA)
On the classification of predicates in Nłe?képmx (Thompson River Salish)
Jimmie, Mandy N. (MA)
A prosodic analysis of Nłek̉epmx reduplication
Li, Erica Wen (MA)
Roberts, Taylor (MA)
Subject and topic in St’át’imcets (Lillooet Salish)
1993 Alumni
Bessell, Nicola J. (PhD)
Towards a phonetic and phonological typology of post-velar articulation
Hunt, Katharine D. (PhD)
Clause structure, agreement and case in Gitksan
1992 Alumni
Blake, Susan J. (MA)
Two aspects of Sliammon (ɬáʔamɪnqən) phonology: glide/obstruent alternation and vowel length
Millard, David (MA)
The prosodic structure of Finnish and the theory of phonological government
1991 Alumni
Fee, E. Jane (PhD)
Underspecification, parameters, and the acquisition of vowels
1990 Alumni
Remnant, Daphne E. (MA)
Tongue root articulations: a case study of Lillooet
1988 Alumni
Andrews, Christina (MA)
Lexical phonology of Chilcotin
Bagemihl, Bruce (PhD)
Alternate phonologies and morphologies
Paradis, Johanne C. (MA)
The syllable structure of Japanese
1987 Alumni
Davis, Henry (PhD)
The acquisition of the English auxiliary system and its relation to linguistic theory
1986 Alumni
Nakata, Masahiko (MA)
Verbal compounds in Japanese: implications for morphological theory
Roberge, Yves (PhD)
The syntactic recoverability of null arguments
1985 Alumni
Elesseily, Nagat H. (MA)
Subject extraction from embedded clauses in standard Arabic
Ross, Martin (MA)
Japanese lexical phonology and morphology
1984 Alumni
Belvin, Robert S. (MA)
Nisgha syntax and the ergativity hypothesis
Thompson, Wendy (MA)
1982 Alumni
Hébert, Yvonne M. (PhD)
Transitivity in (Nicola Lake) Okanagan
Tse, Sou-Mee (PhD)
The acquisition of Cantonese phonology
1981 Alumni
Preuss, Renate Jutta (MA)
Colour naming in young children
1980 Alumni
Chan, Marjorie K.M. (MA)
Zhong-shan Phonology: A Synchronic and Diachronic Analysis of a Yue (Cantonese) Dialect
Fee, E. Jane (MA)
Morgan, Lawrence R. (MA)
Kootenay-Salishan linguistic comparison : a preliminary study
1979 Alumni
Suzuki, Yoshiko (MA)
Directional verbs in English and Japanese
Woods, Howard B. (PhD)
1978 Alumni
Pattison, Lois Cornelia (MA)
Douglas Lake Okanagan: phonology and morphology
Placzek, James Anthony (MA)
Classifiers in standard Thai : a study of semantic relations between headwords and classifiers
1977 Alumni
de Wolf, Gaelan (MA)
Gerdts, Donna B. (MA)
Dialect survey of Halkomelem Salish
Nokony, Alicia Alexander (MA)
Meaning development in one child acquiring Dakota-Sioux as a first language
1976 Alumni
Gibson, Deborah Jean (MA)
Sándi, Gábor (MA)
The phonology of the dialects of England
Stevenson, Roberta C. (MA)
Wigod, Rebecca (MA)
The matter of metaphor and its importance for linguistics
1975 Alumni
Hawes, Lorna Joy (MA)
Some theories of language typology and language change
Matsuda, Hiroshi (MA)
A transformational study of Japanese reflexivization
1974 Alumni
Beckett, Eleanor (MA)
A linguistic analysis of Gurma
Machado-Holsti, Mina Estrela (MA)
Generative-transformational sketch of Portuguese syntax : a computer model
Ogawa, Toshimitsu Augustine (MA)
Study of Japanese relativization
1973 Alumni
Davison, Annie Souren (MA)
Interrogatives, negation and linguistic play in three children acquiring French as a first language
Powell, Mava Jo (MA)
Semantic analysis of ‘because’
1972 Alumni
Morshed, Abul Kalam Manzur (MA)
1971 Alumni
Ogawa, Nobuo (MA)
Swoboda, Leo John (MA)
Lillooet phonology, texts and dictionary
1969 Alumni
Kenwood, Christopher Michael (MA)
A study of slang and informal usage in the newspaper
1967 Alumni
Olaya, Norma Peralta (MA)
A phonological grammar of a dialect of Ilokano
Peralta-Pineda, Ponciano Bendiola (MA)
Tagalog transformational syntax : a preliminary statement
Staume, Guido (MA)
A glottochronological analysis of Latvian and Russian
Tan, Evangeline K. (MA)
The phonology of Tausug : a descriptive analysis
Yap, Fe Aldave (MA)