Colloquium – Anna Mai (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics)

Thursday November 30, 2023
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Anna Mai (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics) will present a virtual colloquium on November 30th 9-10:30am, 2023.

Title: Phonological structure in the neural response to speech

Abstract: Spoken language comprehension requires abstraction of linguistic information from speech, but the interaction between auditory and linguistic processing of speech remains poorly understood. In this talk, I will discuss an intracranial EEG study that adds to the growing body of literature elucidating this link. First, using three (morpho)phonological patterns in English, I will show how the neural response to sounds participating in those patterns provides evidence for the maintenance of phonemic identity in the face of acoustic neutralization and the maintenance of morphological identity in the face of phonological variation. Second, I will talk about how phonemic identity information more generally– outside these three patterns– accounts for aspects of the neural response beyond those accounted for by acoustic information. And finally, using complex receptive field estimation, I will identify how the covariance structure of speech acoustics interacts synergistically with phonemic identity to predict the neural response to speech.

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