UBC Linguistics at Sinn und Bedeutung 29, Italy

Happy to share that UBC Linguistics is well-represented at Sinn und Bedeutung 29, happening right now at the Consorzio Universitario Mediterraneo Orientale in Noto, Italy.
Presentations with UBC-affiliated authors include:
• Ana Laura Arrieta Zamudio & Ryan Bochnak: Conjectural questions in Ktunaxa as canonical questions
• Ana Laura Arrieta Zamudio: Epistemic temporal interactions and judge dependency in San Pablo Güilá Zapotec
• Ryan Bochnak: Underspecified coordination, focus and contrast in Wá∙šiw
• Ryan Bochnak, Adam Gobeski, Marcin Morzycki & Starr Sandoval: The Twofold Nature of Degree Nominalizations: Degree Concepts and Qualities
• Starr Sandoval, Yangshuying (Kate) Zhou & Marcin Morzycki: Building Adjunct Questions from Anaphors in Ktunaxa
• Marianne Huijsmans & Daniel Reisinger: The Maximality Puzzle: Evidence from ʔayʔaǰuθəm