Students registered in a Bachelor’s program in another department may pursue the minor in speech sciences. Note that for students pursuing a Bachelor’s degree outside of the Faculty of Arts should check with their home faculty about how to register a minor in Arts.
Minor in Speech Sciences
Students must take at least 33 credits in Linguistics and related areas, subject to the following requirements:
Recommended Courses
- LING 100 or 101;
- BIOL 153 or 155;
- PHYS 100 or 101;
- PHYS 341;
- PSYC 101 and 102 (or PSYC 100)
Note: 100-level LING courses do not count toward Honours, Major or Minor programs in Linguistics or Speech Sciences. “Recommended” courses are additional courses that may help you better understand and succeed in the required courses for the program. There’s no necessity that you complete any or all of them; they are simply ones that you may find helpful, especially if your own background is somewhat weaker in those areas.
Required Courses:
- all of LING 200, 201, 209 and 222; and
- both LING 313 and 314; and
- either LING 300 or 311; and
- an additional 6 credits from AUDI 402, LING 451 or 452; and
- an additional 6 credits of LING courses numbered 300 or higher. These 6 credits may include any LING courses numbered 300 or higher and any of the pre-approved upper-level courses in related areas listed on the Department of Linguistics website. Courses not listed on the website must be approved by the Linguistics Undergraduate Advisor. Students intending to apply for admission to a graduate program in Speech-Language Pathology or Audiology can use these credits to meet admission eligibility requirements for specific programs they will be applying to (e.g., AUDI 402, AUDI 403, PSYC courses). [See the note on the linked page about how to get non-LING courses added to your APR.]
Note: undergraduate students may enroll in graduate-level courses if they meet the requirements; see,204,342,1530 and for more information. Such courses can count toward upper-level credit requirements (i.e., as courses numbered 300 or higher).